Why is therapy helpful?

Many people believe that simply talking about feelings won’t actually solve a problem. However, studies have shown that the act of talking about one’s feelings stimulates the left (logic brain) and right (feeling brain) to work together help better understand the problem, relieve emotional pressure, and identify effective solutions. Therapy provides a time and space free from distraction to consider the many aspects of one’s life, and be more deliberate in one’s responses.

How long will I need to be in therapy?

Therapy should be client driven, and the amount of time will depend on what you need. I often use the metaphor that therapy is like scaffolding on a house under construction. The client is the house and identifies what areas of the house they would like to work on, and therapy is the scaffolding which provides access to those areas. The scaffolding comes down when the those tasks are complete, and can be put back up again should the house find other areas to work on.

What should I expect after I inquire about services?

You will be asked to set up a time for a free consultation call. The purpose of the call is to allow you to become acquainted with me, better understand my approach, and see if we will be a good fit. Additionally, you will be free to ask any specific questions you may have.

If you decide you would like to make an appointment, I will send you an e-mail providing the intake paperwork along with detailed instructions about parking and building access.

How much time should I plan for my appointment?

Appointments last approximately 50 minutes. Please arrive on time. If you need to cancel, please do so 24 hours in advance.

What should I expect during my first visit?

The initial therapy session is different then a typical therapy session. Much of the session will be dedicated to gathering assessment information such as your mental health history, family and relationship dynamics, and past and current stresses. Additionally, you will have the chance to identify treatment goals, and identify time and frequency for treatment.

What should I expect from subsequent visits?

The time is yours to talk about whatever you like. I can and will ask questions to stimulate a therapeutic conversation should the need arise, but therapy works best when you bring up things that are on your mind, or issues you are having. Therapeutic “homework” can be given based on need and preference.

Other questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us.